Please, Packers’ fans, do not let the media influence you in these crucial post Brett Favre days. Everybody and their uncle wants to predict the future one day after Brett retires. Can we just let things play out and see what happens. You may be right, you may be wrong. Let’s not write off the Pack just yet. Twelve months from now, maybe, but hey, praise the man and don’t let the idiots like me lesson your optimism for the Green Bay Packers in the future.
I’m still working on my Favre memories, here is a teaser. The day Favre is playing the Giants at Lambeau Field and Favre is knocked out of the game with a concussion. Screw that. Favre, runs out to the huddle without telling anybody and simply throws a touchdown pass to Javon Walker. The Packers lost that game, but it was vintage Favre. You almost have to restrain him to keep him off the field.
More to come…tons more to come…