Aaron Rodgers talked the talk and looked the look that could make him a superstar in the NFL. If only it was that easy. Brett Favre asked for patience when he came to Green Bay and promised he could be the man. While Rodgers didn’t exactly promise he could be Brett Favre, he made it clear he was ready for the challenge. The first thing he admitted to was his two injuries he suffered the last two years but he believes were flukes and assured the fans that he is well aware the man he is replacing started 275 straight games. All Rodgers did, and rightly so, was plan to play 16 games this year. If he does, the Packers will be in good shape.
Here is one of my Favre memories. I think it was against the Rams in 2006 after a short touchdown run by Ahman Green I think it was, Favre was running off the field and passed a referee on his way, Favre ran five yards by him, stopped, came back and slapped that poor ref on the butt so hard he has a story to tell the rest of his life. In fact, if I had a buck for every butt Brett slapped unsuspectingly, I might be living next to him in Mississippi. Steve Sabol from NFL films says Favre is the single biggest sound-bite and highlight contributer in the 88-year history of the NFL. Amazing. Got any left-handed footballs by the way?
“Put ‘er in the ‘ole vice”!