Brett Favre is to appear on “On the Record with Greta” tonight on Fox News network. Presumably to rip the Packers’ general manager Ted Thompson for not begging him back this year. People, it is time to come to grips. Are you a Packers’ fan or simply a Brett Favre fan? You can be both like myself, but the Packers come first. My guess is Favre unloads on Thompson for drafting Aaron Rodgers and pushing him out the door. Well, if Favre was half a man he would have told Thompson from day one he was going to play for three or more years and then the Packers wouldn’t have had to draft Rodgers. Be a man Brett, please. This is getting sick. If Favre wants a job handed to him I need someone to cut my lawn every week or so. I’ll pay twelve bucks an hour, no references required.
I know I reneged on my promise not to mention Favre’s name again in this blog. I guess I had an itch to comment again. Then again, maybe I didn’t. I don’t know. Bring back Brett. No don’t. Yeah do. No don’t. I know you are but what I am I? Whatever. Watch the whiner on Fox at 9:00 and rip me in the morning.
One of my old favorite bands is named Sick of it All. They should play opening day. Waah, waah waah…