549 yards!

Were the Packers playing Oklahoma Sunday? In Lambeau Field! This might have been the worst display of defense ever exhibited in Lambeau, I’m sure those numbers will come out in the coming days. One thing is sure, it was a complete embarrassment to head coach Mike McCarthy and more importantly defensive coordinator Bob Sanders. Not to mention the fans. I certainly was embarrassed by what I paid to see today. In 10 degree weather no less.

549 yards. As a defense you almost have to try NOT to stop anybody to give up that many yards. Al Harris said we are “the best” secondary in the league, yet Matt Schaub can throw for 414 yards on them. In Lambeau. Yes Bob, you are a genius. Way to adjust. If this is the best Al, I’d hate to see the worst.

After today we all know where the problem lies and who to blame. Sanders is the problem and McCarthy, who hired him, is to blame. Judging by Ted Thompson’s comments in today’s Press-Gazette, it is a given Sanders is gone. Thompson said the defense needs to be “orchestrated better” and the orchestrater is Bob Sanders. This season is obviously over, so McCarthy’s challenge now is to keep the team playing hard for three weeks with nothing to play for and a defense that probably can’t help then win in any way, shape, or form. Good luck with that Mike.

I have to believe unless the Jaguars or Bears lay down, the Packers might have won their last game. The Lions have to be licking their chops waiting for week 17.

From this day forward we are looking at next year. It is time to evaluate what we have and determine where we need to upgrade. Shouldn’t be too hard. I hope in the last three weeks Rodgers continues to play as well as he has and doesn’t try to do too much to overcome his pathetic defense. I hope either Ryan Grant or Brandon Jackson take ownership of the running game. I hope the new punter does well. And I hope Bob Sanders is fired on December 29.

And so are the days of our lives…

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