Packers will roll, I think

The Green Bay Packers face the Philadelphia Eagles Friday in Brazil, another of the NFL’s ridiculous international games initiative. That being said, I think the long trip both teams have to take kind of negates any home field advantage for either team. Even if the Packers might have a larger fan base in Sao Paulo. I think the Packers will go down there and take care of business. In, out, nobody gets hurt.

This is a tale of two teams going in opposite directions. The last we saw of these two teams the Eagles were being beaten to a pulp by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers after losing their way into the playoffs. The Packers on the other hand, surged to the playoffs and were a missed field goal away from maybe advancing to the NFC Championship game.

You can say all you want about the Eagles signing Vic Fangio as defensive coordinator. He’s a nomad who roams from team-to-team these days. The Packers never had any trouble with him when he was in Chicago. I don’t expect them to now, either. It’s the Packers’ defensive coordinator that I’m worried about. Is Jeff Hafley for real? I’m betting he is.

I think the Packers defense will hold the Eagles in check and the Packers offense will do enough to overcome the trauma of getting there and get the win. I’ll say 23-10 Packers.

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