Packers are a joke

This is easily the worst loss in Green Bay Packers’ history. Head coach Mike McCarthy should be fired immediately. I will not attend another game until that “Pittsburgh Pussy” is fired. He has turned the Packers into wimps. It is very simple. So much for the macho shit. The Packers are wimps and will always be wimps under McCarthy. This is my opinion on today’s debacle, talk to you next week after the Packers get pummeled in Jacksonville.

I am done. McCarthy should be given a one-way ticket out of town and it should happen today. He is a quarterback coach and not a head coach. Pure and simple. Ted Thompson needs to clean house and if he doesn’t fire McCarthy and the rest of the staff after this year they are doomed to losing for the foreseeable future. It is what it is. To lose to a bunch of wimps from the south in cold weather in Green Bay is inexcusable. Period.

The Packers are a joke. There has never been a defense more pathetic in 50 years and it is unlikely there will ever be another one this bad. I feel so bad for Aaron Rodgers. He throws for over 3000 yards and 22 TDs in 13 games and has nothing to show for it. Very sad. I know Heckle and Jeckle will get another year, it had better be a playoff year or I am done shelling out big bucks for this team. Small town market or not, win or get out of the league.

A sad state of affairs in Green Bay right now, that is for sure. Thompson made the right call on the QB, but missed horribly on the offensive and defensive line. It will probably cost him his job, and his coaches job. So be it. Matt Millen is available last I checked.

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