No pride in the NFL?

A late, great friend mine always used to complain that is no pride in the NFL. We will find out today in Jacksonville. Two teams that won playoff games last year and were expected to return to the playoffs this year meet today with nothing to play for but pride. The Packers have at least been competitive pretty much every week but one, but have not been able to pull out the close games. The Jags have been hit just as hard if not harder by injuries than the Packers have just not played well as a result.

Coming off the devastating loss to the Texans, the Packers will either pack it in or get pissed off. While even though it would be too little,  too late, lets hope it the latter. Finish strong and condidence will be high going into the offseason. Lose three more games and nothing will get better until they start playing games next September and we see what we have. It will be a long eight months.

That said, for at least a week, anyway, I think the Packers postpone the horror. Packers 29, Jags 21.

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